David Perez Logo Image

David Jon Perez

Hi, I am David Perez.

An Electrical and Computer Engineer.

Welcome to my portfolio page! This site serves as a showcase of my projects and skills. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to work together!

Project Highlights

Lane Line Detection

For the final project of the UNL's Intro to Deep Learning course my colleagues and I developed a lane line detection Neural Network. The network was trained on the BDD100K data set and could accuratley and consistently detect lane lines. This project was done using a Resnet-50V2 backbone using Tensorflow.

  • Tensorflow
  • Python
  • Deep Learning

PCB Design With RP2040

The focus of this project was to design a PCB for the RP2040 microprocessor. Embedded on this board were the necessary components to power the RP2040 such as crystal oscillators, voltage regulators, and a ram chip amongst other components. Additionally, this board was designed to control 4 stepper motors hence it is also equipped with 4 A4988 stepper motor drivers.

  • KiCad
  • RP2040
  • Stepepr Motor Drivers

Handwritten Equation Solver

This personal project was developed using a simple sequential neural network. The network was trained on the MNIST dataset plus a dataset of basic arithmetic operators. The network was then able to receive an image of a handwritten equation, determine which numbers and operators were present, and then solve the equation.

  • Tensorflow
  • OpenCV
  • Matplotlib

About Me

Get to know me!

Hey! It's David Perez and I'm a Software Design Engineer Intern located in Lincoln, Nebraska. I'm a graduate of the University of Nebraska Lincoln where I obtained a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering.

Through my experience in the industry, I've worked on projects programming embedded systems for FSK and LoRa radio, serial communications, and battery ADCs, among other peripheral firmware development. For these systems, I've also created a C++ QT Application for performing final stage PCB provisioning for several hundred thousand unit runs.

During my time in academia, I took courses on Introduction to Computer Vision, Intro to Deep Learning, Mobile Robotics, and software engineering for robotics courses. I've also taken a handful of electrical engineering labs, and other courses such as Electronics and Circuits I, II, and III, Digitial Signal Processing, and Linear Control Systems.

My Skills

  • Embedded System Periferal Firmware Development
  • Computer Vision using Deep Learning
  • Fundamental Computer Vision Algorithm
  • Large Scale Development using Git
  • PCB Design
  • Circuit Analysis
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Python/QT Application Development


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